Wedding Gifts
Date Night Ideas
35 Scratch Off Dates
This is one of the best couple challenge games there is. Whether you just started dating, or have been in a relationship / married for over 10 years, the date ideas in this deck of cards are guaranteed to be unique and provide a fun date. Fall in love with your partner all over again with these date night cards. It's a perfect anniversary gift for any couple.
Handcrafted Cutting Board
Personalized Gift for Couple
This is a keepsake that can be used for years to come. It is made with Walnut(pictured) or Maple wood and oiled with a food-safe oil that preserves and toughens the board. One side of the board is used to slice and dice your specialties in the kitchen, and the other side of the board is a reminder of the important things in life - your family! Each board comes giftwrapped.
Graduation Gifts
The Naked Roommate:
And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College
From sharing a bathroom with 40 strangers to sharing lecture notes, The Naked Roommate is your behind-the-scenes look at EVERYTHING you need to know about college (but never knew you needed to know).
This essential, fully updated edition is packed with real-life advice on everything from making friends to managing stress. Hilarious, outrageous, and telling stories from students on over 100 college campuses cover the basics, and then some.